Passage: 1 Corinthians 16

This Sunday, July 28th as part of our weekly fellowship and worship service, we sent Ben and Hannah Moore as missionaries through the International Mission Board (IMB) to the nation of North Macedonia. Join us as Dwayne Milioni, lead pastor of Open Door Church in Raleigh, teaches on 1 Corinthians 16.

Christ commands us to fill the earth with churches that will bring glory to His Son’s name. In this passage, we will be learning what true biblical fellowship and cooperation look like amongst the autonomous individualistic nature of our churches and while living in a secular age. It is within the imperative of cooperation that we fulfill the Great Commission.

Here are the keys to cooperation that we see in 1 Corinthians 16:

  1. Financial support (1-4)
  2. Service (5-11)
  3. Encouragement (12-21)