Passage: 1 Samuel 23

Join us as our lead pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on 1 Samuel 23. In this passage, we will learn how God is able to provide in the wilderness of weakness and suffering. Lord willing, we can learn as much as possible apart from our own suffering through David’s hardship. And, at the same time, I pray this chapter prepares us to see the hand of the Lord at work in our own lives when we face hardship and suffering.  There are 4 truths about God that David is able to learn in chapter 23 while in the wilderness of weakness and suffering:

  1. God can save through weakness (1-5)
  2. God can rescue in spite of difficult circumstances (6-14)
  3. God can encourage through faithful friends (15-18)
  4. God can deliver by his sovereignty over the nations (19-29)