Passage: 1 Samuel 22

Join us as our lead pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on 1 Samuel 22. As we enter chapter 22 the strange path of God’s providence continues on. We will continue to see God working in unexpected and surprising ways. Yet, we need this reminder and example from the Word to show us that God is faithful even when we may not be able to fully understand what he’s accomplishing in that moment.

As we walk through this passage and see the surprising ways that God is at work, we will also be reminded that his sovereign hand underpins all of it. He is the one orchestrating history to bring his purposes to pass. Even when it looks like he might be losing with his king fleeing to a cave – he has everyone exactly where he wants them.

So, let’s look at chapter 22 and see how it teaches us the surprising providence of our Sovereign God.

  1. Safety found in strange places (1-5)
  2. God’s sovereignty seen in wicked spaces (6-19)
  3. Salvation obtained in the promised person (20-23)