Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Join us as our pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.

What and how we think about our bodies drives our ethical decisions. That’s why it’s crucial that we have a biblical anthropology that informs how we think about our bodies. This is what Paul is doing in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. He shapes how we are to think about our bodies and shows us how a Christ-informed anthropology should drive us to live for the glory of God in our bodies. That’s the end goal: Glorify God in your body.
The main issue Paul is addressing in 6:12-20 is sexual immorality, but he deals with that issue by saying more than just: Don’t be sexually immoral. He also shows the theological truths that should cause us to want to pursue putting sexual immorality to death in our lives. So, there are 4 truths Paul gives us about our bodies to equip us to fight against sexual temptation:
  1. Your body was made for the Lord. (12-14)
  2. Your body is a member of Christ. (15-18)
  3. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. (19)
  4. Your body was bought with a price. (20)