Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:6-13

Join us as our pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on 1 Corinthians 2:6-13.

The pattern of human history is that we trust our wisdom over God’s. We elevate our wisdom as the pinnacle of human achievement. This is what was happening in Corinth. They had laid aside the wisdom of God displayed on the cross and placed their confidence in human wisdom and human values. This is what caused the factions and divisions to form in the church. They were celebrating the wisdom of man. Therefore, Paul is spending these chapters teaching them the foolishness and inability of the wisdom of men. He wants them to see that it’s foolish to rely on, find pride in, or trust in the wisdom of men over against the wisdom of God.
That, of course, leads to an important question. How do we grow in godly wisdom? How do we learn to take our eyes off human wisdom and instead look to God’s wisdom? We’re humans, after all. The wisdom of man is what comes natural to us. So, the question before us is: How do we grow in godly wisdom?
  1. Recognize the inability of human wisdom. (6-9)
  2. Depend on the revealing power of the Spirit. (10-13)