Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Join us as our pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Paul wants the nature of the gospel to humble us and help us see that the gospel doesn’t leave room for pride and arrogance. It doesn’t leave room for boasting in human wisdom and achievement. Instead, the gospel only leaves room for humility and thanksgiving.

Paul firmly believes that as we soak in the nature of the gospel, its foolishness to the world, and its power to save that we will be able to reject conformity to the world and pursue unity as God’s people around gospel truth. So, Paul gives us three truths about the gospel that will humble us, sanctify us, and unify us as God’s people:

  1. The gospel divides the world.
  2. The gospel destroys worldly wisdom.
  3. The gospel saves those who believe.