Mission Statement:
We exist to make disciples for the glory of Jesus Christ through gospel proclamation, biblical teaching, intentional discipleship, and love for one another that we may present all mature in Christ. (Colossians 1:28-29)
Core Values
We believe that preaching through books of the Bible is the most effective way to expose God’s people to all of God’s truth. It allows us to learn more of God’s character and see the full story of God’s work through the ages to be glorified through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we will value knowing and applying God’s Word in order to experience life-transformation.
The good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ informs all that we do. The gospel permeates our teaching, singing, preaching, ministries, and relationships. Our desire is for all that we do to bring glory to Christ and remind us of the radical saving power of the gospel.
The local church belongs to Jesus. He is the head of the church and we are his body. Because Jesus loves the church, we also love the church. Therefore, we believe that Christians should unite themselves to local churches through meaningful membership.
Learn more about Covenant Membership
We were created for a relationship with God that is made possible through Jesus Christ. This relationship enables us to have meaningful relationships with others. We embrace the reality that no one is perfect, except Jesus Christ. All people matter to God, and all people matter to us.
We worship God by rejoicing in who Jesus Christ is and the fact that He has rescued us from the wrath of God by His own grace and mercy. Our worship will be a time of celebrating the grace of God and His continued work in our lives.
Prayer is the power behind our ministry. We will pray together, for one another, and for the moving of God’s Spirit with eager expectation.
All believers are called to be participants in the mission of God. Every Christian has a place to serve Jesus Christ, His family, and our world.
We recognize that everything we have is a gift from God. We will give generously of ourselves – time, talent, and treasures – to accomplish God’s work.