One of the ways we strive to present everyone mature in Christ is intentional planning and discipline to read God's word regularly. People read at different speeds and process content in different ways, so we have provided the plans and resources below to engage a wide range of reading and learning styles. We encourage you to choose a plan and also regularly share what you are reading with your life group and other members of the church. Ultimately, we believe there is great joy in pursuing Jesus together as we read the Bible, the word of the Lord.
Read Through the Bible in a Year:
- 5 Day Bible Reading Plan
- Simple Bible Reading Checklist
- Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan
- Book-at-a-time Bible Reading Plan
- Chronological Bible Reading Plan
- Straight Through the Bible Plan
New Testament in a Year Plan:
Read Through the Bible in 2 Years:
Children’s Reading Plans and Resources
Memorize God’s Word
- Fighter Verses Memory Program
- An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture by Dr. Andrew Davis