Passage: Jude 1-16

Join us as our pastor, Jonathan Brooks, teaches on Jude 1-16.  Jude wrote this letter to teach the church the danger of false teachers, the nature of the false teachers, and how we can remain faithful and resist their influence.

He spends a lot of time seeking to help us understand exactly who these false teachers are and why they’re so dangerous in order to motivate us to do the hard work of contending for the faith. That’s what we spend our time on in verses 1-16. Then in the following sermon, in verses 17-25 we’ll find the details of exactly how Jude calls on us to contend for the faith.

But, even in this first section, I want to be sure we’re seeking to answer this question: what does Jude call on the church to do about the these threats to the faith of the church?

  1. Contend for the faith.
  2. Consider the consequences.
  3. Consider their character.